Rona Mackay MSP has welcomed significant investment in education and skills to aid Scotland’s recovery from COVID, which was outlined in Holyrood at the Scottish Budget statement last week.
Finance Secretary Kate Forbes MSP confirmed that resource and capital spending would increase by nearly £200 million – one of the biggest rises in the history of the Scottish Parliament.
The significant investment has been welcomed as confirmation of a “determination to support learners of all ages and at all stages”.
Ms. Mackay, the SNP MSP for Strathkelvin and Bearsden, added:
“This year’s Scottish Government Budget sees a significant increase in investment for education - a key priority for the SNP government.
“From scrapping music tuition fees to expanding free school meals into primary four and five - with plans to extend this to all primary school pupils - and nearly £2 billion for universities and colleges, this is arguably the most ambitious settlement for the education sector in the history of the Scottish Parliament.
“Children and young people in Strathkelvin and Bearsden deserve every opportunity to fulfil their potential from nursery, into school and beyond. It’s right that the SNP Scottish Government has put investment in education and skills at the heart of this Budget.
“With record investment, I’ll be delighted to back the Finance Secretary’s budget in Parliament - it confirms the SNP’s determination to support learners of all ages at all stages.