Rona Mackay MSP for Strathkelvin and Bearsden has welcomed a commitment by the SNP to deliver 100,00 affordable homes in Scotland by 2032 – if re-elected in May.
The Housing to 2040 plan will create 14,000 jobs and invest £16billion in housing infrastructure across Scotland, including throughout East Dunbartonshire.
Key plans from the scheme include:
• delivering 100,000 more affordable homes by 2032, with at least 70% of these being for social rent.
• setting a single set of standards for housing quality and accessibility
• establishing a new fund to help local authorities bring empty homes back into residential use.
• ending homelessness and rough sleeping once and for all.
• decarbonising heating in all homes in line with Scotland’s climate ambitions.
Commenting, Ms Mackay said:
“I am delighted the SNP has committed to delivering 100,000 affordable homes over the next decade. It is extremely ambitious and clearly shows our dedication to delivering for families and communities across Scotland, including here in Strathkelvin and Bearsden.
“The SNP government has already delivered almost 100,000 affordable homes since 2007. What a contrast to the record of the last Labour-Lib Dem administration in Scotland - who famously built just six new council homes in their last four years in office.
“This election gives voters the chance to decide who should be in charge of Scotland’s COVID recovery – a Scottish Government with the interests of people here at heart, or a Tory government that we didn’t vote for, led by the likes of Boris Johnson.
"Only a vote for the SNP will enable us to build a fairer, more equal Scotland and continue delivering for communities in East Dunbartonshire and across the country.”