Toxic sewage within the Bothlin Burn, leading into the Luggie in Kirkintillloch, is being urgently investigated by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) following a string of complaints from concerned residents across East Dunbartonshire and North Lanarkshire. The move has prompted local MSP for Strathkelvin and Bearsden Rona Mackay and Fulton MacGregor, the MSP for Coatbridge and Chryston, to write to SEPA to seek an urgent outcome regarding the investigation into the pollultion. SEPA officers have been on site since Sunday, collecting samples of the sewage and are planning an ecological survey on the area this coming week.
Commenting, Rona Mackay MSP said:
“I was deeply concerned over the clear pollution occurring within the Bothlin which may have impacted on the Luggie water within my constituency. “Fulton and I immediately wrote to SEPA to seek an urgent investigation into the pollution and what impact it may have on the surrounding environment. Whilst investigations can take time, we would hope for a swift outcome in determining the cause of this pollution and what steps can be taken to avoid this occurring again. “I thank my constituents for reaching out to me to seek action on this sewage incident and I would urge caution about attending the site whilst SEPA carry out their work.

Commenting, Fulton MacGregor MSP said:
“It’s vitally important that the investigation from SEPA is allowed to continue, seeking the root cause of this sewage and publishing clear outcomes to avoid this from occurring in the future. “This incident could have had real tragic consequences should anyone have come in contact with these corrosive substances within the burn. Alongside Rona, I would urge the public to avoid the area whilst SEPA continue with their investigation and would be more than happy to make further representations on behalf of any concerned constituents. END