SNP MSP for Strathkelvin and Bearsden has welcomed the findings of its Social Justice and Fairness Commission, set up by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon to present a route map for delivering a fairer Scotland. The findings of the report are based on the central principle that the function of government is to make life better for everyone and ensure no one is left behind in an independent Scotland.
The report calls for a bold approach when it comes to tackling child poverty, drugs deaths and a National Care Service. It also backs the full devolution of employment law to the Scottish Parliament.
Commenting, Ms Mackay said:
"This report has explored in detail how Scotland can use the powers of independence to end poverty, tackle inequality and improve the lives of families across the country.
"It provides suggestions and solutions on issues affecting East Dunbartonshire and Scotland that have been particularly prominent and pressing during the pandemic, and that offer the greatest scope for tackling poverty, and building a fairer country.
"We now have an opportunity not simply to go back to how things were before Covid, but to address some of the challenges which have been thrown into sharp focus by the pandemic. Beyond the immediate priority of tackling the virus and keeping the country safe, we must consider how we build back a fairer, more equal country.
"It's vital that MSPs from all parties now look to the future and think about how we can help our people, businesses and communities rebound from this pandemic."
Notes to Editors:
Notes: The full report is published here - https://www.snp.org/social-justice-and-fairness-commission-a-route-map-to-a-fair-and-independent-scotland/