Local MSP Rona Mackay has backed Kirkintilloch Community Council’s campaign to turn Kirkintilloch into a Fairtrade Town.
A Fairtrade Town is an area which is committed to the promotion of Fair Trade certified goods
The Community Council are hosting a meeting on how to make this ambition a reality at 7pm on the 24th of June, at Smiths Hotel in Kirkintilloch.
Commenting on the proposals, Rona said:
“I fully support the Community Council’s efforts in making Kirkintilloch a Fair Trade Town.
Fair Trade products provide a great benefit to producers and farmers in the developing world, as they ensure that the products are environmentally sustainable, they are made in safe working conditions, and that they ensure that producers and farmers get fairer pay.
I hope that Kirkintilloch will be able to emulate the success of nearby Lenzie in achieving Fair Trade status for the town.”